A fond farewell to another satisfied customer

Jul 15, 2013

By Adam Berry, Lead Resident Liaison Officer

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One of the great things about my job as a Lead Resident Liaison Officer is meeting new people and often making new friends.  When the site team arrive on site, residents can be quite nervous about what they can expect.  You can’t blame them – having a kitchen and or bathroom ripped out and replaced is a messy business and can be disruptive.  Part of my job is to ensure that people remain informed and if there are any issues at all – try to resolve them.

We have recently completed our work at Blackfriars Court, a tower block in Salford, managed by Salix HomesVertical Villages Tenants and Residents Association, represent the interests and needs of the local community living in the tower blocks and they have been particularly supportive and done all they can to keep the lines of communication running smoothly.

We have been here for over a year and at our recent end of scheme garden party, it was great to reminisce and have a laugh with the residents about all the things we have done together.

This has included raising money for charity at a physic reading and healing day, a meditation evening, a charity car wash and even having a monk’s haircut!  We remembered some milestone moments too like when a massive ‘EcoPod’ was installed on the building – an impressive feat of engineering which combines highly efficient cascade boilers with solar power and will result in considerable savings on utility bills  for tenants.

More recently we recruited a garden army to transform the communal areas and this was only made possible by both volunteers and resource donations by our sub-contractors.

And of course there have been all the small things that happen on a daily basis; like putting up  blinds for tenants, helping out with heavy shopping, collecting and delivering furniture and not forgetting all the brews, biscuits, cakes and sweets that tenants have provided!

Thanks Blackfriars Court – we’ve had a great time and we hope you love your new homes and your lovely new look building and garden.  I’ve even written a poem about it:

1075805_415578368556513_213795584_nWhen the sun glistens down on the Black Friars block

The attention to detail starts to unlock

There’s no more drab brick work or dull window frames

Just a classy contrast of colours that are bound to claim fame.

– to see the full version of the poem like us on Facebook.

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