Celebrating Customer Service Week

Oct 8, 2013

By Rukhsana Nabi, Partnerships Manager

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis week is Customer Service Week, a special week organised by The Institute of Customer Service, the professional body for customer service.   This annual week is designed to celebrate and encourage excellent customer service across all sectors and here at Emanuel Whittaker we have looked at what it is that makes our customer service so special.

At the end of each month our teams working with our clients send in information to update us about how their specific projects are going and often tell us about examples of work they do ‘above and beyond the call of duty.’

In fact we have so many of these examples that we now produce a newsletter for our clients which highlight how Emanuel Whittaker teams have gone the extra mile.  As it’s Customer Service Week we thought we would share some of these stories here.

City West Housing Trust – Shepway Court:  In order to give the residents a break from the improvement work we are doing we decided to treat them to lunch at the local golf club.  The residents could not thank us enough for a great time they had which included a three course meal. 

When we found that Your Housing Group was organising the ‘Your Manchester Challenge’ to prepare and deliver 1250 seasonal gift packs to Your Housing Group residents by 20th December we immediately gave a shout out to all our staff to support this worthy campaign by bringing in donations of selection boxes and tinned biscuits etc. to put in the food parcels.  Donations have already started coming in.

At Salix Homes Riverbank Lawns residents were clearly upset when they discovered that their bird feeder had fallen and so our team were quick to replace it for them.  When another resident mentioned her leaking tap, our labourer was only too pleased to have a look and fix what turned out to be a minor repair.

At Contour Homes Avenham Court in Preston we were getting ready to start major work and rather than worrying about disposing of their unwanted items at the local tip we offered to dispose of resident’s unwanted items for them. While explaining how to prepare their homes for the works, we offered a bespoke clearance service.

So these are just the highlights of a typical week here at Emanuel Whittaker and it’s no wonder that our customer satisfaction surveys scores are always so high. You can read more about our great customer service on twitter @emanuel_whittak or see additional reporting on Facebook,  https://www.facebook.com/EmanuelWhittaker.  

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