Ideas to save money on energy bills

Oct 20, 2014

By Paul Hughes – Operations Manager

It’s Big Energy Saving Week this week (20 October) and the Week highlights positive, practical actions that will help you take control of bills and save energy. Big Energy Saving Week is a joint project between Citizens Advice, Government, Energy Saving Trust, Age UK  and other voluntary and charitable organisations and you may see information from them when you are out and about this autumn.

Although we’ve enjoyed a nice summer, there is now a definite chill in the air and no doubt you have already switched on the central heating! In a quick poll around our office, colleagues admit the central heating can be the cause of quite a few rows in terms of how high the thermostat should be and how long the heating should stay on for. That’s because energy bills are one of our biggest household expenses and I’m sure that most of us are looking at ways to reduce them.

Sadly several charities report that many people, especially those on low incomes, are forced to make a choice between heating and eating and as winter starts to kick in we need all the advice we can get about keeping warm without compromising on other basics.


For free energy saving advice, you can contact Greater Manchester Energy Advice (GMEA) who provide money saving and energy advice to residents via sound information and value for money schemes in partnership with trusted installers.  You can find out more on their web site or call their team on 0800 009 3363 or 0161 234 5460 Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


Citizens Advice suggest that once a year people call their suppliers just to check they are on the best tariff for them.  This quick call could save you quite a few pounds.  Next check how you pay your bills because on average it is £100 a year cheaper to pay by direct debit, and finally check you are getting all the financial help you are entitled to.  Citizens Advice says they can help provide you with this.


We are all guilty of staying with the same energy supplier because we simply can’t be bothered to switch.  But shopping around for your energy supplier could save you as much as £200 if you have never switched before.  So give it a go.


If you are really struggling to pay your bill, make sure you talk to your supplier right away; don’t ignore the problem because it won’t go away.  Energy suppliers should give you advice about paying money you owe, energy saving tips and offer a payment plan based on what you can afford.

Greater Manchester Energy Advice and provide lots of useful advice about saving money around the home and your energy supplier’s website will also be useful.  Our social landlord clients are doing all they can for their tenants on this issue from major home improvements that make properties more energy efficient to providing help and advice on cutting those nasty bills.

Please let us know if you have any clever ideas about cutting bills and keeping your home warm at

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