Customer Care
Over many years, Emanuel Whittaker have developed award winning customer care procedures, which ensure that all of our customers receive the highest quality service, tailored to their particular needs. This means adopting standard procedures, whilst enabling our site teams to be flexible in the delivery of works to customer’s homes.
Dedicated Resident Liaison Team
Although we employ a dedicated team of Resident Liaison Officers (RLO’s), we believe that customer care is the responsibility of anyone working for and on behalf of Emanuel Whittaker. As such, all staff receive customer care training and are expected to adhere to our strict Code of Conduct. Furthermore, staff receive diversity training to ensure they are made aware of the diverse needs of our customers and are able to provide a bespoke service – suited to each individual.
In each project, we allocate a dedicated RLO who will work with each customer from introduction to handover. Our approach is to support customers through the works, and we do this in a number of ways.
Respect for people: The success of our business is based on some very simple principles: traditional values and respect. In recognition of this, we were approached by Constructing Excellence to take part in their Respect for People Toolkits in 2002. Our contribution to the ‘Work in Occupied Premises Toolkit’ and ‘Equality and Diversity Toolkit’ gave us an ideal opportunity to pass on our experience to others in the industry and fine tune our own practices. These practices are firmly embedded in our service delivery and our Code of Conduct.
Being honest, open and approachable: this means being pro-active in seeking customers views – through routine daily contact; providing ‘Impact Statements’ which highlight the potential disruption that customers can expect, and providing regular up-dates of progress through daily sign off sheets and newsletters. Providing information such as contact details; site location and operating times; resident handbooks and leaflets detailing the sequence of events, and anticipated timings and appointments for example.
Tried and tested procedures: These range from pre works activities such as: open days to meet the team and demonstrate components; newsletters and leaflets, and resident meetings to agree how the works will be delivered. During this stage we will establish the extent of support each customer will require when the works begin, and identify any specific requirements they may have, such as interpreters, working through a carer, or simply assistance with packing and storage.
During the works we conduct routine daily home visits; provide up-dates on progress; offer surgeries and attend resident meetings. When work is complete, we help residents to put their homes back in order, provide simple guidance on using and maintaining any new components and carry out satisfaction surveys. We also facilitate post project reviews which are designed to examine both good and bad elements of the project, and feed into our continuous improvement cycle.