Emanuel Whittaker give community centre a facelift

Feb 10, 2014

IMG_0998Emanuel Whittaker is renowned for its work in the community and so when our client City West Housing Trust was looking for help to spruce up a local community centre, they approached us for help.

Terry Kidman, Contracts Manager, said:  “Our team were already working on the Brookhouse Estate in Eccles refurbishing City West properties and so we were happy to provide assistance to the local community.  The first thing we had to do was to assess just what needed to be done.”

The Brookhouse Community Centre is owned by City West and is the venue for numerous community activities – many of them theatrical.

The kitchen and toilets in particular had seen better days.

“We took out the old kitchen units and replaced them with new ones which were kindly donated by Manhattan Kitchens,” said Terry.  “We also decided to utilise a ‘dead’ space near the kitchen and put in cupboards and units to provide extra storage facilities and more room for food preparation. In the toilets we provided new flooring and repainted them which really made a difference.”

IMG_1003IMG_1001The £6,500 facelift was completed within a week and with minimum fuss or disruption to the numerous activities that take place within the Centre.

Fiona Canavan who regularly attends the Centre said:  “We were so pleased that Emanuel Whittaker was able to help.

“The Centre is a much loved and well used community resource and as a result it was looking a little tired.  Now the renovated kitchen and toilets look as good as new and will no doubt last us for many years to come.”

Martyn Hague, Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods at City West, said: “The community centre is a focal point for customers in the area and we are delighted Emanuel Whittaker were able to help with the improvement works.

IMG_1011“The feedback from our customers has been fantastic and we hope they can continue to enjoy the many events that bring the community together.”

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