Joyful Jo

Jul 24, 2024

Last month we reported that, Together Housing asked if we could help out the local, Holy Nativity Church, in Halifax, with some new shelving, as a good will gesture.

After organising a Joiner, the works were complete.

Since the works were complete, the running of the food bank from the Church has been much easier, now that they have lots of extra shelves and storage.

Pictured here is, Church Development Manager, Joanna Beacroft-Mitchell, who also helps at the Church with the food bank and all kinds of other events.

Also pictured is, Emanuel Whittaker Resident Liaison Officer, Kirsty Hall.

Jo was very happy with the completed work and is grateful for the extra shelving that helps the food bank/charity run smoothly.

#whittakersway #littleactsofkindness @togetherhousing @ProcurePlus

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